
The Sorrowful childhood
Snape’s childhood is kept hidden by JKR from the readers of the HP series. However we indeed got a glimpse of it during Harry’s Occlumency classes with him in the 5th book. I have tried my level best to deduce what was his childhood like and am putting it forth. In that memory, it was shown that Tobias Snape was not particularly pleased with his wife being a witch. Here, is my first assumption-: I think that Eileen Prince would have died an early unnatural death and left young Severus with his unkind and an unloving father. Severus after enduring his father for some years he went to Hogwarts, like Harry and Volde he also wanted the castle to be his home and it was the place where he truly belonged therefore despised the fact that he was to return to his muggle father.
The Teenage Grudge
If you have carefully studied the Para in which a segment of Snape’s memory is penned then you will notice that Snape could not even climb on a broom. James Potter, who was naturally boastful and arrogant probably have noticed this fact and insulted Snape which would sparked a grudge which was not going end even after two decades. As the years passed on Snape, James and Sirius (who hated Snape for being a pure-blood mania like his family) never left an opportunity to curse each other. In probably their 6th year Sirius made a foolproof plan, which ensured that Snape came face to face with a fully transformed werewolf, which would be amusing. When James heard what Sirius had done he, in the name of humanity (or to please Lily) risked his life to save Snape’s. Headmaster Dumbledore forbid Snape to publicize this news. Snape would have been indeed been very agitated after this incident; as the marauders again beat him.
Snape would seldom get an upper hand in the duels between him and James who was always accompanied by Sirius. Although old D and Lupin owed him a favor still he was longing to get his hands on James.
His Death-Eater Days
As Sirius said in the 4th book that Snape was a part of a gang, most of which turned out to be Death-eaters. So Snape being a pure blood mania himself also joined Voldemort to purify the present community. Most probably he and his friends like Rosier, Wilkins, Avery and Lestranges couple would have been the new and the hungry hearts of the Voldemort’s ageing army. We all know that Snape was extremely good in dark magic especially in potions and definitely he would have been craving to know more about them. He was so deeply mesmerized by dark arts that he started to invent dark spells at the age of sixteen. Here is my 2nd assumption -: Lord Voldemort would certainly have noticed that Snape was one of the most sincere students of the dark arts, which was quite like himself. Then Voldemort would have taught dark arts of the highest possible dimension that he himself invented. This means, Snape would have been a reasonably powerful warlock at the age of around about twenty-two.
The Twist In The Tale
After saturating Snape with every fragment of knowledge about the dark arts, which no one in this world had ever penetrated, Lord Voldemort expected Snape to pay the fees by getting himself recruited at Hogwarts as a teacher and spying on Albus Dumbledore. Snape agreed on it, as he loved the castle which gave him his true identity and in which he lived the most wonderful moments of his life. Then he went to Hogsmeade to stay and wait for the opportunity to meet old D. when heard the news that old D was coming to Hogs Head to meet an applicant of divination so, he thought that he would meet old D then and there. Snape might have thought of practicing his latest job of spying and eavesdropped the conversation of old D and Trelawney. Snape overheard the prophecy regarding Voldemort and a boy who would have the power to conquer him. Though the barman hauled him before he could listen to the full prophecy but nevertheless the Dark Lord would have indeed rewarded him beyond the dreams of the other death-eaters for informing him about the existence of such a prophecy. Voldemort would have told Snape to still apply for the job even though he knew that old D would have suspected Snape to be a Death-Eater as he thought that it was worth the risk.
At this point my friends my theory has shot two branches, which are equally probable. And they are extremely contradictory towards each other. So, my fellow witches and wizards I give you the full freedom to choose the branch on which you like to sit on.
Snape: The True Ally Of Dumbledore
This concept is rather, unanimously accepted by Harry Potter fans all over the world. This is due to the fact that people think old D cannot make such a reckless mistake. Nevertheless I will take the courtesy to explain it from a new dimension.
After the Hogs Head incident Snape would have again gone to old D to request for a job at Hogwarts and also would have apologized for the unethical interruption he made in Hogs Head. Dumbledore due to his trademark moral fiber of believe in someone who, others would think not worthy of trust. Snape was recruited in Hogwarts in 1981 January (assumed). So from January 1981 to October 1981 Snape was spying Dumbledore for Voldemort. Whereas in the chapter ‘The Pensieve’ in the GOF Dumbledore says that Snape was a spying on Voldemort under his instruction. So, this means that Snape had to satisfy both Voldemort and old D during this period. Furthermore we can conclude that Snape was hoodwinking the two greatest wizards of all time, which could not be possible. Then why did old d say that Snape was on his side?
Here is my 3rd assumption-: I think that Snape was indeed with Voldemort as in the same chapter Igor Karkaroff quite resolutely said that Snape was on the Dark side because he might have himself acted on his information which then proved to be right. Nevertheless old D vouched for Snape. I suppose Old D did it because -:
1. He was convinced that Snape felt remorse for the mistake he had committed and was quite willing to lead a fresh life.
2. Snape might have asked another opportunity from old D which he could not refuse as Snape, once had forgiven his foes on the request of old D.
3. Snape would have known a secret about Voldemort, which may make him vulnerable. One of the possibilities might be the intimate connection between Eileen prince and the Dark Lord.
For the next ten years he was loyal to old D and the school itself. He learnt more and more about magic in its purest form. He might have even ancient magic from old D himself. Then in year1991 Harry Potter came to Hogwarts. Everybody was immensely curious about who this boy had conquered the man who the wizarding world feared and even wizard far older and powerful could not do so. In the same year Lord Voldemort made an attempt to resurrect and to attain the paramount of all magical powers. But his old trustworthy Death-eater tried possibly everything to stop him. This incident shows the fully reformed and a powerful Snape who now used his powers against the dark side.
At the end of the 4th book old D commenced the recuperation of the Order Of The Phoenix and Snape was an important member of it.
However in the 6th book Snape’s character was nicely modified by JKR. In the starting of the book snape had taken an Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa, which made us suspicious of him. If you have read ‘Spinner’s End’ you will notice that Snape twitched his hand, we already know that counter incantations can be executed without using a wand. So, Snape might have been muttering UV counter all the time.
We also know that Snape definitely knew about Voldemort’s horcruxes, as old D would have told him. If Snape had indeed wanted to kill old D he would have done it the every night old D came to him in very critical condition after destroying Volde’s horcrux at the house of the Gaunt. Moreover Hagrid overheard Snape telling old D that he was getting over worked, he might have referring to the tedious task, which old D had told him to perform in front of the Death-Eaters so that he could fake his own death.
Now let us analyze the night old D when old the fell of the lighting struck tower. Old D was weak when he and Harry reached Hogsmeade but he still he summoned all his strength and reached the top of the astronomical tower. He then stunned Harry so that he could not interfere with the proceedings. This shows that old D had planned for this moment for a long time. Old D was not even feeling uncomfortable standing in front of five Death-Eaters and that too wand less. If you have read this part of the book carefully you will notice old D closed his eyes and Harry thought he was too weak to even speak. But on the contrary old D might have been explaining Snape his plan.
We all have discussed that emotions are very essential for conjuring the killing curse. And moreover we have seen Cedric and Frank fall like a log after being hit with a killing curse then why did old D stagger and the fell off the tower. Furthermore, if old D had to defend himself he could have even brought Fawkes to swallow the curse just as he did in the ministry of magic. In addition to this we know that Fawkes was crying for quite a long time, which means that it was curing old D of the curses of Volde’s horcrux.
I conclude this article by saying that Snape is one of the most powerful wizards of our time and he is in the right side.
Snape: Voldemort’s true Right Hand
As the theory above is given much more consideration that this one therefore there has been seldom efforts made to prove this theory. I would like to make it clear that I am Dumbledore’s man through and through so, I do not believe that old D is dead. It is very clearly said by old D that Voldemort gives an illusion to the Death-Eaters that he shares every bit of information with them, though it is not true. But I think Snape is the only person with whom Voldemort shares his thoughts. He indeed has some liking towards Snape. This may because of the cherished relationship between Voldemort and Eileen Prince.
Though we are not sure about the reasons on the basis of which old D had appointed Snape. Nevertheless he did it all the same and the reason is quite brilliantly hidden by JKR. But I think when the Dark Lord fell Snape had no choice but to beg old D for mercy or he would have been shunned in the cold cells of Azkaban. In the philosopher’s Stone it is shown that Snape tried to stop. For this Snape himself gave explanation to Bellatrix, in which there no loopholes.
In the sixth book ‘Spinner’s End’ is a very important chapter to understand Snape’s loyalty towards his Dark Lord. He himself clearly pronounced himself as a Voldemort’s supporter. There is a speculation that Snape was bound to kill old D by the unbreakable vow, as now where it is mentioned that to kill old D was a condition of the vow. If you have read the ‘Spinner’s End’ carefully then in it Narcissa says “But he won’t succeed! How could he when the Dark Lord himself-?”
There is only one thing that Voldemort has never able to himself that is to kill Albus Dumbledore. I also do not think that Snape was muttering a counter incantation of the vow as he was repeatedly asked to agree with the conditions of the vow, which would have broken his concentration. In this chapter he proudly acclaims that it was because of his information the Death-Eaters were able to locate and terminate Emmiline Vance.
Now I put forth my 4th and the last assumption: - you will all agree with me when I say Snape was a very sharp and a cunning person. Snape was at such a position that he himself could hand pick the side in which he wanted to be in. I think Snape decided that he would choose that side which would eventually come up as the winner. When old D informed Snape about the horcruxes of Voldemort, Snape should have easily concluded that Voldemort was at a stronger position that his employer, Dumbledore. And when Voldemort told him about the smooth progression of Draco’s plan, Snape knew that old D would be on the losing side and turned against him.
Now let us again analyze the unfateful night on which the greatest sorcerer of all time fell on the lighting struck tower. I do not think that the whole scenario was a set up by old D because if it wasn’t for the Felix Felicis I doubt any one would have survived the attack of the Death-Eaters. And of course there is a lot of talking about the way old D fell after being hit by the killing curse. It has a simple explanation old D might have tried to defend himself with his body just like a muggle would do when he would be standing defenseless in front of a the gun. Then why did old D say, “please Severus…please”? I think that old D was requesting Severus to not to set out to the dark side again. I think what old really meant was “ Et Tu Severus … then Dumbledore shall fall”
The foremost ques. one would ask after reading this theory, why did old D did not even try to defend his own life?
I am a firm supporter of the theories liking old D to his own horcrux. I presume that time had made fool of old D’s body. His body was getting weak and slow and was withering due to incessantly endure powerful curses. Therefore he wanted to have a new and a much powerful body, which can easily coordinate with his high intellect, and he could duel with the same grace and elegance that he used to have some thirty years ago.
I will like to conclude this article by saying that Snape has undeniably returned to the dark side and has made a grave mistake by doing so.
PS- I thank Cliodne for highlighting the prospect of the connection between Eileen Prince and Voldemort, which, has brought a new dimension to the character of Snape, and his connection with Voldemort.
cat snape
Fellow Auror and Marauder Paracelsus!
This is a truly courageous attempt to solve the mystery of the Half Blood Prince. The Biography of Severus Snape quilled by you certainly helps us understand him better.
I also noticed that you were knowingly or unknowingly venturing into the realm of fanfiction, and uncharted area I myself am thinking of taking my chariot into. This potion was a mix of ingredients, namely theory and fiction, albeit overlapping and interchanging, but nevertheless giving a good effect.
The commendable style and size of the theory again shows your ability to express your thoughts, and I complement you on your simmering potion.
Good theory
Well done on the biography of snape
dear Kritika Mittal,
first of all let me thank you for commenting on my theory, i am very obliged.
as for the ques you asked, old D answered it in the PS. but let me first correct you Snape did save Harry but tried to save him. Snape did so be'cos he wanted to repay the debt which he had when James saved him. moreover he might have did it to impress old D so that he might get the job of DADA.
ps- thank you all for commenting on my theory as i value thoughts
hi i am very impressed with ur thoughts and also the answer u gave to my fellow friend kritika mittal. u r such imaginative & flawless . i liked ur points very much as there is no way they can be contradicted.
excellent man ypou are really good at brewing
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