Monday, January 30, 2006

Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

The Headquarters Of the Order of the Phoenix, The Noble and the Most Ancient House of Black, yet it remains a dodgy ‘monument’. Yes, it can be called so,a place, which the Blacks, on of the few pure blood wizarding families in the world inhabited. Though its features tell a different story.Under the housekeeping of Kreacher, it was getting blacker and filthier day by day, looking like a house that had once belonged to the Darkest of wizards. The cobwebs hanging off the ceiling, plates of silver containing heads of dead house-elves(started by none other than Elladora!!),residence of creatures like doxies, boggarts, ghouls does this place deserve to be the Headquarters of The Order of Phoenix? Well, yes and no.As Sirius himself pointed out that Mr. Black had done several enchantments that had made the house intruder-free, it cannot be any plainer that it is very safe. Dumbledore even performed the Fidelius Charm on it and became its secret-keeper. But is it that safe that it appears to be? I believe that a substitute should be found. Not because I have any personal grudge against it, but only because of one complex reason-Kraecher. Old D says that Kreacher has passed onto the ownership of Harry completely. But, I believe that he has forgotten a simple fact. A house-elf can serve two masters at one time!! We know that Kreacher did it once. Why can’t he do it again?? I believe that when 2 masters order a house-elf follows the order of the person he is more attached to or or is more directly related to. Bellatrix sadly, satisfies both the counts. Can’t Kraecher betray Harry as he did to Sirius? Remember Poisnous toadstools never change their spots.

While we are on the subject of Blacks, another topic certainly coincides. Most of us agree that R.A.B is Regulus Black (A poll question too!)
What we know for sure of Regulus-
1- He joined the Death Eaters
2- He was killed or got himself killed.
Facts unclear-
1-Did he really panic and backed away?
2-Was he really killed by Voldemort or got himself killed?
The Dark Lord liked to collect trophies, he placed his horcruxes at positions of great importance to him(The cave was the place where he got first opportunity to show his ‘special’ powers. Regulus Black being his servant would have surely got influenced by him.
So, if we are right in the first part of our theory, then Black must have hidden the stolen Horcrux at a place of stupendous importance to him. But where? Well nowhere but at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. JK , seems to have slipped a line also about Voldy’s Horcrux in Book-5(Pg. 108)-“a heavy locket that none of them could open”. We know for sure that Slytherin’s locket was heavy.(Why didn’t any of the ‘cleaners’ notice Slytherin’s mark?) Also, the title if the letter was –To the Dark Lord. That gives us an even firm proof that R.A.B was a death eater!!!!
The locket holds the missing link in the mystery of horcruxes . Doesn’t that make Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place(the bearer of the stolen Horcrux ,tojours de pur) a place of prime visit for Harry??


Rohit Rajaram said...

To my hardworking friend Bowman,

ur theory was remaakable and interesting. But when u mentioned that kreacher was serving two masters, you forgot the fact that it was bcos Sirius ordered him to GET OUT, and Kreacher misinterpreted it acc to his advantage. And since harry is his new master, Harry would be careful not to repeat the mistake, so you can relax as harry is quite good at it and carefully analyses what he orders, as he did in ELF TAILS.

I also do not agree that R.A.B is Regulus Black. i think u would agree with me when i say it would take a wizard with powers of eternity to detect and destroy a horcrux. if regulus had such power, Sirius would have surely noticed it.

Varun Goel said...

Dear Sorcerer Bowman,

Your theory on the"dodgy" monument as you said it, was quite well written and thoughtful. though u must say that I agree with PAracelsus on the count of Kreacher's loyalty, and I too feel that Harry is shrewd enough not to allow Kreacher to commit Treachery again.

You have incorrectly presumed that we agree about R.A.B being Regulus Black, and the point about the "Dark Lord" and thus proof of Death Eater may also be another of JKR's hoax, which she gives in every book. Who would have thought TMR would be Voldemort?? and hence the wizard in question could also have switched identities.

I agree with you that still a 'heavy' part of Grimmauld Place, which includes a locket, needs to be discovered.

Bowman the Replenisher said...

To my dear friends Andros and Paracelsus,
I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed my potion.Though...

Sirius only ordered Kreacher to only get out and not to go and look for a new master!

I never thought a wizard could be nothing yet be naive , ignorant, arrogant, boastful but you proved me wrong. Let me go through your 'contradictions' (for the sake of a better word) one by one

1-I cannot understand your first point and hope u rewrite it again.

2-Dobby left without the permission of Malfoys

3-Dumbledore never participated in the cleaning. Harry saw the locket in the pensieve in the sixth book

4-Mundungus isn't God that he could know of everything going around in the House. We only saw the Goblet in his briefcase and that too, he had seen in the Grimmauld Palace by a mere lucky chance

5-When did we hear Regulus being a devoted servant? Your this point is thoroughly impractical and irrelevant.
I hope next time you do not give baseless accusations and give comments just for the heck of giving .
(See Forum)

Rohit Rajaram said...

dear Bowman,

in the chapter 'THe Lost Prophecy' dumbledore himself mentioned that Kreacher had the evry right to get out of the house as Sirius himself odered it.
Moreover he did not find a new master but went to a relative of the Black's, Narcissa. he was bound take orders from her.
Sirius himself mentions that Kreacher is bound to take orders from any relatives of the Blacks.

Rohit Rajaram said...

dear Clare,

i forgot to add this point in my previous comment which is directed to you.
you say that when old D died the binding curse on Harry was removed and in the same way the fidelius charm will be removed.
I would like to remind you that Sirius said that his house was gaurded by his incantations of his dad from muggles. but after his death he incantations were still operating. also the permenent sticking charm on the portrait of his mother were still holding on the portraits.
moreover old D is not the first first wizard to be dead. so such a phenomenan would be known(if it exists) to the members of the order and they would have surely rectified it.

Varun Goel said...

To Fellow Marauder Roderick,

I see in trying to catch the snitch, you left your manners & courtesy on the broomstick itself (and it flew away with it to the whomping willow).

For #1
Firstly, HOUSE ELVES CAN DISSAPPARATE FROM HOGWARTS! As we saw in COS, Dobby dissaparated from hogwarts in the last chapter.

For #3
Even the handle on the main door in the House of Blacks was in the shape of a serpent!! Now if every minute thing is serpentine in the devoted-to-dark house, it would seem pointless to research each one of them (imagine old D with a magnifying glass examining a door handle!)

For #4
It is well known that Mund. does not know quality. His ignorance was clear when he had to ask Sirius about the authenticity of a Goblet.

PS: Roderick! I command you not to use pointless remarks and personal insults in the esteemed areas of Comment. We welcome praises & contradicitons but discourage Bullshit.
Use the forum to vent out the steam but remember the spell 'Incendio!' as my fingers will not stop to cast it on you the next time you use derogatory language in comments.

Flavius the Valiant said...

well brewed excellentbut iwould like to ask you something more when you said that kreacher can have two masters then he can have reglus black as the master and as i support your point of reglus black being RAB why i would like to say that he can be on harry's side indirectly